Specifies the size of the stitch progress window. Instructs the Stitcher to crop the edges of the output image before saving. Crops out garbage pixels that result from vertically offset images. Instructs the Stitcher to sharpen the output image after the stitch process. Stitched images often appear better after sharpening. You may prefer to control the sharpness with the PictEditor Unsharp Mask filter. Instructs the Stitcher to fill gaps and holes in the stitched image using interpolation. Instructs the Stitcher to stretch or shrink local areas of the source images to improve stitching registration. Stretching increases stitching time, but provides better results. Instructs the Stitcher not to deskew the output image. Stitched images can be skewed if the camera was not exactly level. By default the Stitcher deskews the output image to correct this before the image is saved. Instructs the Stitcher to cross-dissolve between pairs of stitched images. If this switch is not specified, the Stitcher will abut the two images at the registration point using a sharp cut rather than a smooth blend. Specifies the size of the output image in pixels. The output image is resized after the stitching Instructs the Stitcher to wrap the panorama, so that first and last images are stitched together in a full panorama. Panoramas that are not wrapped are partial panoramas and require padding to full size with white space Specifies the cylinder dimensions. Use when estimated cylinder size is too small, and stitch fails (‘endLine>0’ or ‘xMin>cRect.left’ error). Find ‘cyl res’ in ToolServer log, stitch with increased width and height. May require more stitch memory Specifies the number of bands used for correlation while registering adjacent images. Default is 50 bands. You should not have to adjust this switch. Specifies a cropping rect for each source image before rotation (Not v1 stitch tool) This is the number of PICT per row to display in the picture table.